Go Digital with an Online Parenting Calendar

Tracking custody, visitation and child support payments through an online calendar makes life easier. We live in a digital age and have arrived at a point where you can almost keep track of everything digitally.

That said, Custody Junction is an calendar application. It allows you to create an online account with a user name and password. You can enter future events into the Tracking Center on a calendar. You can also keep notes and details of what occurred at the event. In addition, you can generate reports from the Reporting Center and print them off.

Why Is an Online Calendar a Good Idea?

For one thing, people today don’t go anywhere without their cell phones. This means you have access to your child custody calendar wherever you go. If you need to update it or enter notes into it, you have easy access.

In addition to dates and times, can also keep track of expenses. Transportation expenses or your child’s medical expenses are a few costs you might want to have at your fingertips.

While the application can make parenting go more smoothly, it also provides a way to stay in touch with your ex about scheduling. You can give your ex access to the online schedule. Or, if you don’t want to provide access, you can print a schedule and share it.

Valuable Information for Modification or Enforcement of Custody, Visitation and Child Support

In the event that there’s a need to modify custody, visitation or support, your online records can provide useful documentation. If your ex isn’t complying with visitation orders or support, your records can help provide evidence. Your attorney can assist you with filing for enforcement of court orders.

The court can see from the documentation when the other parent didn’t show up for visitation or when support payments weren’t made.

If you have concerns about modification or enforcement, an experienced Texas family law and divorce lawyer can answer your questions and help you understand your rights.