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Special Needs Children Have Rights in Texas

Texas Family Law Attorney Provides Advice to Parents of Special Needs Children

Parenting a child with physical, developmental, or emotional disabilities is challenging. Among the challenges you may face with your special needs child is access to public services that he or she is entitled to, including healthcare and education. Richardson Brown can consult with you about the family law side of putting the appropriate orders in place to ensure your special needs child gets the services he or she is entitled to by law.

Many state and federal government programs provide financial and other assistance. For example, your child may qualify for Supplemental Security Income Disability benefits and be eligible to receive monthly checks until age 18. This supplemental income can help lighten your financial load and provide your child with things that otherwise you couldn’t afford for them.

Obtaining free and low-cost medical coverage for your disabled child

If you don’t have private insurance, medical care for your disabled child can be astronomically expensive. Depending on your child’s disability, your child may be entitled to free or low cost healthcare through Medicaid coverage.

Education assistance for children with disabilities in Texas

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) stipulates an evaluation process for determining special education needs and providing individualized education programs. IDEA is a federal law covering all states. Every U.S. school district is legally required to identify, locate, and evaluate children with disabilities. Following evaluation, disabled children may be provided with programs and services to address their special needs.

The federal law defines children with disabilities as individuals from age three to twenty-two with one or more of the following conditions:

  • Mental retardation
  • Hearing impairment
  • Speech or language impairment
  • Visual impairment
  • Serious emotional disturbance
  • Orthopedic impairment
  • Autism
  • Traumatic brain injury
  • Specific learning disability

To qualify for special education under IDEA, evidence must show that your child’s disability adversely affects his or her educational performance. All public schools are required to provide children with disabilities with special services to help them succeed in their courses. These services revolve around an IEP, or Individualized Education Program, which is also mandated by the IDEA.

The same services must also be made available to your child at private schools. If your child is struggling in school due to a disability, you have the right to seek appropriate services and take legal action if these services are denied or inadequate.

Personal experience and caring guidance for special needs parents

As the parent of a child with autism, family law attorney Jennifer Richardson understands on a highly personal level, how frustrating it can be to obtain the services your child needs. She understands the Admission, Review, and Dismissal (ARD) meeting process and the benefits that advanced planning can bring. She understands how confusing and overwhelming applying to various government programs can be for parents and offers consultations to guide you through the process. She’ll work with you to help you advocate for your children in obtaining the services and therapy they are entitled to and need. If you need help with this process, contact us or call (972) 832-8058 today to schedule a consultation with Jennifer.

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1420 West Exchange Blvd., Ste. 190
Glendover Professional Center, Bldg. C
Allen TX 75013

Phone: 972.832.8058


We have an additional office in Anna, TX
for the convenience of our northern clients.

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