Divorced Parents Planning Summer Schedules for Kids

Divorce, visitation and summer vacations can lead scheduling issues. And you will need to coordinate scheduling with your ex or soon-to-be ex. This is something you should be aware of when working out a settlement for parenting.

What Types of Divorce, Visitation and Summer Issues Can You Address in the Court Order?

What is the rule of thumb? You should note specific details in the court approved parenting plan. If you don’t, you usually don’t have a legal basis to contest what happens.

For example, you can specify in the parenting plan which parent has first choice (alternating years is the usual option) as to vacation dates. You can also request that you be notified where your soon-to-be ex and children are going for vacation. Another thing you may want to specify is what your contact will be with your children while they are away on vacation.

What Should You Do If Your Ex Demands a Vacation that Violates the Order?

For example, some orders may have a stipulation that an ex-spouse has to specify the vacation date 30 days prior to the commencement of the last day of school. What if your ex doesn’t abide by this rule? What if your ex demands you allow your children to go on vacation at a certain time without following the process specified in the order? Usually, if it’s not in the order, you don’t have to abide by it. It is always wise to check with your attorney first to make sure about your rights.

Another example is the court allowing you to have a 30-day vacation with your children. Your spouse would have no authority to cut the vacation short and demand that they come home.

Modifying Visitation Orders

The Standard Possession Order is the guideline that courts generally use for parenting plans in Texas. However, the court may modify the Standard Possession Order if it is in the child’s best interest to do so.

An experienced Texas family law and divorce lawyer can answer your questions about divorce, visitation and summer vacation. You’ll want to be sure you understand your rights.