Social Media Divorce Statistics Show that a Connection Exists

Social media divorce statistics quoted by Divorcefly indicate that Facebook was a factor in one-third of all divorces filed in a recent year. In addition, the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers conducted a survey on U.S. divorce lawyers and found that more than 80 percent witnessed an increase in divorces associated with social networking.

In fact, as a result of ongoing research into the social media divorce phenomenon, new names have been coined that describe cheating as “internet infidelity” and “virtual adultery.”

Why Is This Happening?

In Psychology Today, Joseph Nowinski, Ph.D. asks the question, which came first, the chicken or the egg in regards to the social media divorce correlation. In other words, which came first, the underlying problem destroying the marriage or the social media activity as a source of martial problems?

To shed light on the matter, a study done by researchers from Boston and Santiago, Chile surveyed 1,160 married couples between the ages of 18 and 39 and had them rate their marriage on a scale of one to 10 for “having a good relationship” and “a relationship with their partner that is very healthy.”

What they found was the correlation was based on the extent that partners in these relationships used social networking sites, such as Facebook, Twitter and MySpace. Troubled relationships as well as thoughts of divorce were linked with social network use. Further research showed that the greater involvement with social media between 2008 and 2010 was related to increased divorce rates.

Which Is It with Social Media | Divorce? The Chicken or the Egg?

Getting to the heart of the chicken or the egg question — is unhappiness driving people to social media or is social media driving them to unhappiness — another study asked whether couples found it difficult to stop using the internet once online and whether they preferred to use the internet instead of spending time with their partners or other people.

Researchers found that increased internet use over time was linked with decreased well being and was related to increases in depression, stress and loneliness. In essence, social networking came first and marital problems soon followed.

Are You Considering Divorce?

If you are considering divorce, consult with our attorneys at Richardson Brown about your options and find out how we can help.